It is not a surprise that the United States government has never had the most genuine and trustworthy reputation. Even before they get into office, politicians begin their manipulation process while in the process of campaigning and raising funds. They will spend hours a day calling their constitutes to ask for donations and invite them to fundraisers. However, politicians find this process both torturous and humiliating. The people who donate are hardly appreciated though, the politicians take their money and move on. Those who do donate are approached every year for the same purpose, feeding the politician piggy bank.

In one of his recent episodes, John Oliver addresses the truth of congressional fundraising. He is able to bring light to a subject that many do not think about and will even try to ignore. Not only is the fundraising process, with obnoxious phone calls and long fundraisers, stressful and bothersome to the people, but also to the candidates. Oliver brought up the valid point that, "people in Congress are the ones constantly complaining about the time they waste on fundraising," but they are the ones with the power to change the entire fundraising process. These Congressmen will complain so much about the fundraising process and speak freely as to how torturous it is, even if the fundraising centers locations are kept under-wraps with no one from outside the campaign going in. However, one would think that if something was so bothersome to such a large amount of people, some attempt at change would be made. Congress is meant to help and protect the people, but instead they are taking their money in a way that is not enjoyable for either party.
As politicians become more accustomed to the fundraising process with years of experience, they tend to open up as to how the process makes them feel and how it can have an affect on the people. After announcing his retirement, Representative Steve Israel met with John Oliver to diascuss what really happens during congressional fundraising. He admitted to pushing people to call for donations and forcing them to meet a certain quota. However, Israel recognized that "the real victims of this torture have become American people." They have to give their money to a fundraiser where the funds themselves are not even being used for the campaign process.
Majority of the funds raised end up going to the Congress-persons political party to help other's campaigns. Even if the position is secure, a certain minimum of funds must be raised. These funds that are to be given range from $125,000 to $800,000. If this is the amount for a typical Congressional campaign, one can only imagine how much money is being raised in the presidential elections this year. If politicians are willing to take such large sums of money for a cause that does not make a single group happy, then politicians should initiate change to the system. This system of "paying dues" also can create a large debt, and if Congress is already okay with doing that on a personal level, then there is a likely chance to do the same thing while in office. Our nation has a large sum of debt that we constantly struggle to keep under control. Paying dues can quickly get out of hand and become a habit. Habits such as these, on a national level, have a negative affect on the people most of all. These funds are coming from the people, and yet they are not being used to their benefit.
The politician piggy bank is always growing at the expense of the American people, even though it exists to benefit them. Congressional funding is not bad if it is done in moderation and the funds are used for their intended purpose, rather than paying dues.