S - Straight
C - Christian
W - White
A - Able-Bodied
M - Male
P - Property Holder
Here are some key examples of SCWAMP from the movie Grease...
- S - The entire plot of this movie surrounds the problems of straight couples. (Ex. Danny and Sandy)
- C - Sandy is the embodiment of Christian ideals since she is modest in her personality and clothing. Those who are not like her are portrayed in a negative light.
- W - There is not one person of color in the entire movie, and every main character is white.
- A - Each person in this movie is completely able bodied.
- M - The characters that are put on a pedestal and have the most power are male. The actions of each person depend on the actions and beliefs of the males. The males are the ones who run the story line.
- P - In order to truly be the best in this movie, one must have the best car. Those with the nicer car had the more respect and power, and those who did not just tagged along with those who did. There is even an entire song about having a nice car.
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