Friday, March 11, 2016

Credible Comics

     McCloud breaks the stereotype of comics begin completely childish and goofy be establishing ethos.  In comics, there is not much room to establish credibility, so it is incredible feat that he is able to do so.  McCloud is able to do this by not only using words, but by using pictures and events as key points to hint at ethos.  He is able to establish ethos in both words and text, even if these are not the main focus of the comic.
     He first establishes his ethos by depicting himself as an outside narrator.  A narrator is typically a well educated person on the subject who is waiting to inform others of their message.  He goes on to explain his point, but the presence of the narrator figure adds to the credibility of the words he is saying.  While addressing the reader, the narrator is depicted separating words from pictures.  The titles on the books are famous writings and the pictures are famous works of art.  This shows that he is credible since he is educated in other fields besides comics.  In addition to ethos established through pictures, McCloud establishes his credibility through words as well.  On words that he wishes to stick with the reader and to be emphasized, he uses bold and italicized words.  This shows that he has confidence in what he is saying and is ready to point out the key points in his arguments.  
     McCloud also subtly includes the definition of comics.  Ethos is established through this inclusion since it shows that he took time to research exact definitions, making him seem more intelligent.  In one of the pictures, he also depicts the constitution, and the word box above it includes a specific summary of the constitution along with the year that it was created.  Including the specifics of the constitutions allows McCloud to seem much more credible in other respects instead of just comics.  At the very end of the comic, the last frame includes a reference back to the very beginning.  It states that comics are a story of show and tell, just like the young boy from the start of the comic.  The boy is showing and telling the class how is toy can change into different things, must like a comic does. 

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Dreaming of Stars

     Stars are beautiful and bright, yet unreachable and unstable.  They seem perfect and ideal, a source of inspiration and a far off goal.  However, upon further inspection, the star is burning so bright and powerful that it will burn itself out.  Also, if one were to look into the sun, which is a star, their eyes would burn.  Celebrities are called stars for a reason.  They are an what people look up to and stare at pictures of.  Celebrities seem perfect on the outside, but are dying within, and if one looks too closely into their lives, this damage begins to show.
     Celebrity bodies are a great source of controversy.  Their bodies are seen as the perfect specimen of humanity, but at the same time they are criticized and ridiculed for their body.  In the world of celebrities, there is no way to be the ideal weight.  If a celebrity gains a few pounds or does not present themselves runway ready at all times, their career is threatened and they are called countless horrible things.  However, if a person is too skinny, they are mocked for not having the right amount of curves or for caring too much about what they look like.  Society creates these impossible standards for celebrities, but at the same time, society is also the one to criticizes their need to be ideal.  Outwardly, celebrities may seem like the pinnacle of health, but many tear their bodies apart from the inside out by going on extreme diets or "cleanses," eventually developing into eating disorders.  These stars seem perfect but are destroying themselves, all the while being under the constant gaze and judgement of the common people.  The common people themselves would never be able to attain this goal weight or beauty standards, but because the lifestyles of celebrities are to out of reach, the dream life of the stars is pushed even further to the impossible. 
     Common people are also damaged by the "perfection" of celebrities.  By looking to closely into the lives of the stars, they too will try to alter their lifestyle to be the ideal person.  Not only will the celebrity develop an eating disorder, but now an every day person will too while attempting to live up to unrealistic beauty standards.  Sometimes, if the star is observed and idealized for too long, the damage is irreversible, and both the star and the observe will suffer.  In order to better society as a whole, including both the stars and the observers, unrealistic beauty standards must changed to promote a healthy and productive lifestyle that encourages eating right and exercising, rather than skipping meals and starving oneself.  Stars can be seen as beautiful, but they should not be mistaken as invincible.

Friday, March 4, 2016

Attacked By Perfectionism

     Zombies are constantly walking into and out of my life, dragging me down before I am able to push them off completely.  Often times, when one zombie leaves, another takes its place.  Zombies may not be present in this world in the manner that they are typically depicted, but they do walk this earth.  They are out distractions and our bad habits that prevent us from working to our full capacity.  We know how to "shoot" our zombies to get rid of them, but they always return.
     Being a perfectionist is the zombie that is constantly attacking me.  Perfectionism keeps me from ebbing efficient and effective in my work, even though I know that I can fix it.  If i truly applied myself to thing things that I am doing, then this zombie would disappear.  For majority of my school assignments, I will allow it to control me until the very last second.  This temporary elimination of my zombie is not enough to do my work to its full potential.  Lately, I have been watching crime shows in order to distract myself from actually applying myself to my work.  I can stop to just shouting off the TV, but instead I lie to myself saying that it is too interesting to shut off.
     I do not like doing things unless I am completely sure that it will be perfect when I hand it in.  Due to the fear of it not being perfect, along with the lack of effort that I have, I never truly apply myself to anything until the last second.  Often times, because I do things so last minute, it is never the quality that I want it to be.  The lazy perfectionist zombie prohibits me from applying myself, even with topics that I enjoy.  I find that the more I enjoy a topic, the harder it is to get rid of my zombie.  If I love the topic so much, then it should be easy for me to write, but instead I just want it to be even more perfect.  Even right now, I have waited until the last second to write this because I found it interesting, and it is not even close to as good as I want to be.  Instead of motivating me even more, perfectionism completely wipes away any motivation that I could have.
Despite all of the negative consequences for my perfectionism, I enjoy my procrastinating perfectionism since if I do it last second then I have an excuse for it being bad, where as if I use my time wisely and actually try, I do not have anything to blame but myself for it being bad.  This zombie is something this is always attacking, no matter how many times I push it away, it will return.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Modern War Drums

     Throughout history, music has been a means of communication.  Even if there is a language barrier, music can be used to convey a feeling or emotion, so many forms of music are relatable throughout the world.  Different genres and types of music symbolize different things, allowing it to convey messages in a catchy and powerful way.  In modern times, most songs have more meaning than the speeches that political figures give to the crowd.  Music can be created and used in celebration, mourning, and even warning.
     McBride argues that hip hop music is a warning; a warning that addresses different social issues.  In many cultures throughout history, war drums were used as a warning of danger.  These drums would announce the threat so people would be aware that something was wrong.  Hip hop music is extremely similar to this since is announces the issues that younger generations experience.  Younger generations create this form of music to communicate with each other and with older members of society.  In this way, hip hop is used in order for people to communicate with each other as well as to inform other people of coming danger.
     I support McBride for the most part because many issues in society are first addressed in hip hop songs.  From the origins of hip hop until modern times, this form of music has been extremely revealing to the reality of peoples lives.  However, not every hip hop artists follows this method of songwriting.  There are some hip hop artists that sing solely for entertainment purposes in which theirs songs export different scandalous forms of lifestyle.  Despite this, true hip hop has its foundation in sharing a message of warning.  Many different social justice issues are addressed in these songs, along with expressing pride in specific characteristics that are rejected in society.  Hip hop artists warn that they will not tolerate injustice and are aware of things that are in need of change.  Each individual artists can draw from their own personal experience in order to create this music, so for different people the warnings are of different messages.  The song may be create to reveal the truth of being trapped by social standards, but another person who is not trapped in the same way can still find the song relatable in a different light, so the warnings can be adapted to each person.
     Just as McBride stated, this form of music is a means of communicating warning and it has been since its origins.  Hip hop is the equivalent of war drums in the 21st century since both emit a message of warning.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

"I Know Lots of Words"... But Do They Have Meaning?

     Politicians use many means to set themselves above other candidates, the most notable is their speeches.  However, there are many descriptions and empty promises within these speeches, so sometimes the most unlikely sources, such as comedians like John Oliver, supply the most accurate information.  Often times, the truth is revealed through outside parties who are not seeking to perennially gain from the election of one candidate over another.  For example, John Oliver exposed Trump for his lies and ridiculous statements without telling the viewers who to vote for instead of Trump.  The most hard hitting information is gained through believe who analyze one person; Oliver never said who to vote for instead of Trump, just as long as it was not him.
     In this Presidential election, Donald Trump is either viewed as either a complete joke or an ideal president.  Trump's power comes from his confidence in himself and all the success he claims to have had.  However, the only proof for the true amount of his success comes from Trump himself.  Within his speeches, he constantly brags of his success in business, but never truly discusses how he plans to fix problems within the country.  His speeches consist partial truths, empty words, and outlandish proposals masked by one or two messages that many people can support.  Trump will begin by telling his supporters how wonderful they are and how stupid anyone else is.  He is able to form a connection with the crows since he makes them feel important and it makes Trump seem grateful and kind.  Trump uses repetition of short phrases that people wish to hear, such as "I will make America great again."  This is something that he says frequently, loudly, and with extreme confidence, but never does he truly say how he plans to do just that.  Building a wall will not solve all of the nations problems, but because he proposes such drastic means of change, Trump is able to appeal to a specific audience.  Repetition, drastic proposals, and the ego the precedes him make him an appealing candidate in his speeches.  He will give his family history and the story of his success in order to create a bond with the audience.  These stories make it seem as through he experiences the same things was everyone else, but is still better than them at the same time.  While Trump worked to get where he is in life, he also had many extreme advantages that everyday people do not have.  His rationale is that because he went to an Ivy League school, he "knows lots of words."  Lots of words will not solve the nations problems, but because the listeners were informed of his credentials, that is what they focus on.  Empty words lead to empty promises, which have no meaning in the end.  Similarly, Trump will propose something that everyone will support, such as better care for war veterans, then encourage the crowd to cheer.  After this, he repeats what he has already said or will randomly go off in a different direction that makes no sense.  But because the audience is still stimulated by a proposal they can stand behind, they are distracted enough to ignore the true rational within Trump's speech.  Trump's loud and boisterous personality appeals to some but repels others.

     The complete opposite of Trump, Bernie Sanders is a likable and calm man.  He get passionate about certain issues without bringing down others in the process or screaming at the top of his lungs.  This rational approach when addressing certain topics allows the listener to hear his ideas entirely, not just empty promises.  Sanders is appealing to some people since he is willing to look at different perspective than what are typical and roots for the every day citizen rather than the top one percent.  In his speeches, he discus what changes he would make and how he would enact them.  Sanders has captivated young voters since he also focuses on the needs of younger generations as well.  Because these voters hear something that directly applies to them, Sanders is able to reach out to all ages.  He discusses issues that many others shy away from and does not claim to know everything, but will bring in outside sources.  Sanders does not promote himself, the influence he has on others does that enough.  Despite this, he did call out Donald Trump and reprimanded what he was saying, but Bernie called out Trump in a way that was more rattail and logical.  Trump mocked others and only made a fool out of himself, especially since my of the things he made fun of had nothing to do with the Presidential election.  Sanders did the opposite and called out flaws in Trump's arguments and reasoning rather than his appearance or personality.  In his speeches, Sanders is more direct and prompt in what he is saying.  His clearly stated facts and ideas allow him to be more relatable and understandable than Trump.  Bernie also exposes the true root of the problems rather than blaming it on another race or religion, unlike Trump who blames all of the nations problems on immigrants.
     Trump used repetition, his "successes," and ideas that all people support in order to appeal to and gain support from different audiences.  On the other hand, Sanders utilized well thought out speech, straightforward answers, and hard hitting issues in order to attract supporters.  Both candidates are opposite from each other; Trump is loved and hated for the same reasons, as is Bernie Sanders.